Erotic Short Story | Public Sex | Exhibitionism | Voyeurism

An Unscheduled Fuck Stop Leads to New Friends

Someone is watching my husband fuck me, and I love it.

Lola Blackburn
7 min readJan 20, 2022


oneinchpunch | DepositPhotos

It probably wasn’t our brightest idea, heading to the coast during a holiday weekend. Traffic is at a standstill, and Tim’s temper has been building for a while now. The only upside is there are no kids in the car with us, having left them with Tim’s parents so we can take a much needed break away.

I point to the upcoming exit. “Why don’t you turn off here. There’s a roadhouse, we can take a break and have something to eat, then take off when the traffic’s moving again.”

Tim nods. “Anything to get out from behind this fool in front. I’ve been imagining ramming him up the ass for the last twenty minutes or so.”

I rest my hand on my husband’s thigh. “Baby, you know the only ass you’re allowed to ram anything up is mine, right?”

His hand settles over mine, squeezing briefly before he moves it up and positions it over the thick ridge of his cock pressing against his jeans. “Just say the word, darlin’.” He throws a cheeky wink my way.

I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. The thought of him pressing me against the side of the…



Lola Blackburn

I write erotic stories for your reading pleasure. Hotwife | Stag & Vixen | Threesomes | Public Sex | Strangers | Exhibitionism & Voyeurism| Erotica